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Planet Cutezome

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Ambassadress Kawaii Kichona here,
with stunning development pictures!

A side-project called 'Death Label' has been work on about!

Planet Earth mourning for its loss of it's planet's organic value has turned into a Mechanical Planet and chooses to invade Planet Cutezome(as deemed by their research is livable by Earthlings) and take it for their own. This is through Kawaii Kichona's failed actions to save planet Earth from this fate. Kawaii Kichona secludes to a depressed notion and decides to be the counter-attack Coordinator. Major General Kyrdul Dashov being in her custody, decides to help the Cutezome forces alongside his remaining army.

Two factions bonded together, they develop new technologies together. As a return gift for helping the Cutezomes, Kawaii Kichona offers a syringe to Krydul and to his people. This Syringe can be mass produced to deliver a Much-more purified Cutezome Gene. Krydul says: "You're giving me almost Immortality here, I'll have to think about it?"

"Think nothing of it, your goals for Planet Earth were beneficial. But the people, are too overpowering... I brought you back to life, just for that. That bullet scar on the back of your head is still there, by the way." Explains Kichona.

Through various plans the unified faction came up with Seven Ships to counter the Earth Forces.

Ship 1 -- Red Lightning
-Designed as the main striker craft for the Cutezome Army, it is armed with heavy weapons to deliver a hammer-strike to a desired foe. Making it hard to rebuild as the craft goes by.
Origin : Cutezome Army -Striker Plans-
Weapon : Explosion Rounds
-A bullet that will damage nearby enemy units.
Missile : Area-Effect Missile
-A Missile that creates a Large Blast Radius, doing continuous damage.
Special : Wave Beam
-A Beam that can dissolve enemy shots, can penetrate armor and do continuous damage.
Pilot Name : Sunny Shinedrop (Cutezome)
-Since that original pilot was lost in space, Shinedrop was the one who volunteered to replace him and his missing status. She is an aggressive woman but has a tender side in her, a Tsundere, you may. She's one of the close friends of Kichona.

Ship 2 -- First Fighter
-An Idea Krydul took from on of his battles and dogfights. He designed this to be a faster attack unit than others, in trade of the weak attack power it has. It enables quick strikes without enemies fighting back alongside the battlefield.
Origin : Planet Earth - Edited Su-47X plans -
Weapon : Needle Shot
-Weak shots but plentiful one fired at a second, it can shoot up to 30 bullets in one second. Though the needles are not effective against mechanical units, they serve has a crippling weapon for organic units such as soldiers and etc. This weapon though is only 33% accurate at mid-range to long-range.
Missile : Skewer Missile
-A missile that can penetrate armor doing continuous damage and crippling some mechanical units.
Special : Spark Blade
-Creates a rotating blade around the ship, which blocks bullets and damages nearby enemy units.
Pilot Name : Tony Munroe (Earthling)
-One of Kyrdul's ace pilots, the grumpy one as of comparison to others. He likes to smoke and brag about how strong he is. The 'Tough Guy' in the group.

Ship 3 -- Blue Savior
-A prototype unit which there are only 6 in existence. This is the 5th unit. The pilot has to be kept secret and ALWAYS be in uniform(unless he takes a bath or something). The suit the pilots wear are anti-contaminant so there are no complaints on the pilots' side.
Origin : Cutezome Army - Prototype Units -
Weapon : Plasma Gun
-A mid-rapid firing weapon that shoots concentrated blasts of plasma.
Missile : EMP Bomb
-A very crippling missile that link to other enemy units nearby, here say, a long line of tanks getting wiped out by one missile.
Special : Quick Shield
-Creates a Protective Barrier around the ship for 2 - 5 seconds. Dissolving bullets in a radius 8x it's wideness.
Pilot Name : <Classified>(Cutezome)
<Classified>. The "Silent" one.

Ship 4 -- Green Beast
-An old plane from Cutezome History, modified with some Earth Resources.
Origin : Cutezome Army 1954(Cutezome time)
Weapon : Trail Shot
-Bullet that leave a trail of destructive elements, doing continuous damage to those who cross through them.
Missile : Blaze Missile
-A missile that weaves a spray of toxins that can destroy units that undermine it too much.
Special : Full-Force Beam
-A Laser Beam that can eradicate most that it touches, even melt bullets.
Pilot Name : Gane[Gah-ne] Taishuto(Cutezome)
-A veteran of dogfights, he is a methodical pilot who insists on proper strategy on dealing with any opposition. Newly called out by the Cutezome Army from his 'retirement' he still has the strength of a full-grown man of 30. The 'Nerdy' one, and a Meganedanshi.

Ship 5 -- Wand Two
-A Modified WW2 aircraft, suggested by Krydul. He hires some Japanese personnel to dig up old files for inspiration(since it's a Japanese Aircraft).
Origin : Earth - Japanese Aircraft Designs -
Weapon : Rebound Shots
-A shot that will return to do more hits. Each hit is lethal as the bullets are Anti-Armor.
Missile : Shaky Grenade
-A Powerful Grenade that similarly works like Red Lightning's basic shots. Only that it's 4 times more powerful.
Special : Banzai Flash
-Damage all enemies on screen, dissolve all shots on screen.
Pilot Name : Tanaka Seto(Earthling)
-A shrewd ensign that just got promoted to be a main striker. He is the artistic kind of man that adores the ever-rush of the battlefield. The explosions, the bullets, the dogfights, he treats it like art. But then he is stickler when it comes to perfection and harmony. The "Perfectionist" one.

Ship 6 -- Pansy Eight
-Another WW2-inspired aircraft. Modeled after a P-38 Thunderbolt, with a major difference.
Origin : Earth - WW2 aircraft, P-38 Thunderbolt -
Weapon : Air Shotgun
-A weapon inspired from the classic NES shooter, 1943. It is basically a shotgun weapon which has only limited range but has powerful firepower.
Missile : Combat Missile
-A missile that will act like a support aircraft till it runs out of bullets, when it does, it charges straight towards the direction it's facing.
Special : Pastel Brigade
-A Brigade of unmanned Kamikaze-type aircraft is summoned to support the main ship(comes in 5 different colors!).
Pilot Name : Groovy Sanchez(Earthling)
-A retro-man. Fashioned in 80's style, he's one groovy ace-pilot. He wears an Afro and dresses up glitters and the like. He may sound dumb at most situations but he is definitely a witty man. The "Retro-styled" one, but at times the "One who is doubted".

Ship 7 -- Illicit Burner(originally it's Illicit Leverage, but it was too long)
-An obscure design concept by the Cutezomes, it relatively different than any other Cutezome Aircraft(although to Earthling it's 'been there done that'). Its used to attack concentrated groups of enemies.
Origin : Cutezome Army - Obscure Aircraft -
Weapon : Ripple Laser
-A sound wave-esque laser that can distort radar.
Missile : Rotating Burner
-A rotating projectile that pops out steaming hot and sharp metal rods. Does continuous damage.
Special : Bullet-Time
-Slows down all bullets by a quarter of it's normal speed on-screen. Lasts for 10-12 seconds.
Pilot Name : Bill Terrance(Cutezome)
-A business-oriented man. Owns a company that deals with classified information in command by the Cutezome Army. He learned how to fly aircraft when his private jet was supposedly to be shot down by an unknown terrorist, there he learned the basics on how to keep his jet on air till safety comes. From the experience, he decided to learn how to fly aircraft, and surprisingly got to be an ace-pilot after just 2 months. The "Business Man", the money lover.

Well that's it I'm tired. I'm going to need some sleep. ~Nyah. Kureita-sama must be ready.

/Ambassadress Kawaii Kichona out.

Entry 0002: Bullet-hell!

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